

在一個農場裡﹐每天可以生產 10粒蘋果。農場裡有 5個工人和 1個場主﹐總共 6個人。他們每天一人吃一粒蘋果﹐就足夠維持農場裡


場主把這4粒蘋果賣了﹐一粒 RM10。結果賺了 RM40。場主把這RM40拿來提昇農場裡的所有設施﹐設備﹐但是一天最多也需要 RM25

罷了。多出的 RM10就拿來發給5個工人﹐每人有 RM2。還有 RM5拿來當作自己的盈利。


但是不久這個好場主去世了﹐來了個新場主。新場主說﹕"我們要提昇農場素質﹐要有一流的思維。現在你們吃的蘋果﹐需要給 RM1.00

但是你想想﹐這是很便宜的﹐你去外面買蘋果一粒要 RM10叻﹗"

工人沒辦法﹐就繼續做工和每天給 RM1.00 來吃他們以前每天吃的免費蘋果。結果他們現在每天只得到 RM1.00

現在﹐新場主還是把多餘的 4粒蘋果拿去賣﹐賺了 RM40﹐還是像從前一樣﹐RM25拿來提昇設施﹐RM10就拿來發給5個工人﹐RM5

來當作自己的盈利﹐再來﹐現在那5粒蘋果他賣給工人﹐賺了 RM5.00。現在他共有每天RM10.00盈利。


RM20一粒。現在新場主還是把多餘的 4粒蘋果拿去賣﹐大賺了 RM80
農場的設施提昇工程現在換了是新場主的朋友承包。新場主的朋友說﹐蘋果售價大漲﹐設施提昇工程的費用也要漲價了﹐變成 RM50

其實真正費用才 RM30﹐新場主把多出來的 RM20和他的朋友平分。
RM10 (和他的朋友平分的提昇工程費)
RM20 的盈利(RM80-RM50-RM10=RM20)
RM5 的賣蘋果給自己員工賺的錢。

哇﹗﹗﹗暴利叻﹐蘋果售價突然大漲﹐農場賺多了 RM25.00。但是工人還是每天只賺取RM1.00
但是﹐貪心的新場主卻招來 5位員工﹐對他們說﹐"你們看看﹐蘋果現在的市場售價是 RM20 一粒﹐但是你們卻用 RM1.00 來買一粒蘋果﹐你看你們多幸運﹗"
總共 RM95.00 來給你們蘋果吃啊﹐你看農場的津貼負擔多麼的重"
"農場真的很辛苦了再這樣下去農場會破產﹐倒閉。現在我賣你們粒蘋果 RM1.50 我辛苦一點來津貼RM18.50"

那麼現在新場主的暴利又增加了RM20 + RM10 + RM7.50 = RM37.50。又賺多了RM2.50。這 RM2.50 是從哪裡賺來的



Pak Lah , tipu lagi ??

Pak Lah oh Pak Lah... mengapa cakap tak serupa bikin ? Dalam temubual dengan Bernama TV, Pak Lah mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak akan melantik menteri yg tewas , tiba-tiba 7 jam selepas pengumuman senarai Kabinet Malaysia ; Dato’ Sri Shahrizat Abd Jalil dilantik sebagai Penasihat Khas bertaraf Menteri kepada Perdana Menteri berhubung Hal Ehwal Pembangunan Wanita dan Sosial.

Selain tidak mengotakan apa yg dikata oleh Pak Lah 3 hari yg lepas , pelantikan Shahrizat juga membawa kpd pertindihan tugas dgn Menteri Pembangunan Wanita , Keluarga dan Masyarakat ,Datuk Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

Persoalannya sekarang , siapa yg lebih berkuasa dlm kementerian ini ??
Dan mengapa Pak Lah tidak berpegang kpd kata-katanya yg disiarkan secara langsung melalui tv kpd rakyat Malaysia ? Dimanakah integriti sebagai seorang pemimpin ?


UMNO lebih Biadap


Ada 2 team … Shahidan dan seorang Adun ada talian istana. PM beri surat watikah kepada Shahidan. Bila Shahidan mengadap …. YM Sultan memilih Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Bintong,Dr Md Isa Sabu sebagai MB atas peruntukan YM Sultan ada hak memilih atas dasar pemikirannya.

Tapi Shahidan nak lawan ,,……. sebab dia kata dia dapat surat Watikah PM. Mana lagi POWER? Watikah Pak Lah atau Perkenan YM Sultan?????? Siapa yang biadab? Kalau dah tak terpilih …. jawab ajer ” Ampun tuanku … patik akur tuanku”

Nak tunjuk biadap , Shahidan boikot majlis angkat sumpah MB Perlis ; menunjukkan ketidakpuasan hati terhadap Raja Perlis ..

Shahidan tidak hadir majlis angkat sumpah

ARAU 17 Mac – Ketiadaan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Tambun Tulang, Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim pada Majlis Pelantikan dan Mengangkat Sumpah Menteri Besar Perlis yang baru di Istana Arau di sini hari ini menjadi buah mulut mereka yang menghadiri majlis tersebut.

Kecuali Shahidan, 14 lagi ADUN di negeri ini menghadiri majlis berkenaan. Turut hadir ialah empat ADUN yang sebelum ini didakwa menyokong kempen Shahidan untuk terus menjadi Menteri Besar.


Idris Jusoh plan nak sambung lagi … tapi Isnin lepas ditangguh atas sebab tertentu. Tapi cakap2 mulut YM Sultan ingin org lain. …. Oleh kerana YM Sultan merangkap YM Agung … maka dijemput semua 23 ADUN BN Terengganu ke Putrajaya untuk bersemuka YM Sultan. Maybe dah tau akan tidak terpilih … Idris Jusoh macam nak boikot / tak nak hadir ke perjumpaan mengadap YM Sultan … Siapa lagi BIADAB ?????


Pak Lah Undur Banner .... around KL

Jejantas PUSRAWI Jalan Tun Razak

Jejantas PUSRAWI Jalan Tun Razak

Jejantas Kg Baru

Jejantas Jalan Jelatek

Jejantas Jalan Jelatek

Jejantas Pandan Indah MRR2

Jejantas Ampang Point

Jejantas Ampang Point

Jejantas selepas Hotel Flamingo mengarah Hulu Kelang

Jejantas Ulu Kelang

Jejantas Ulu Kelang

Jejantas Wangsa Melawati dekat Stesyen Petronas

Jejantas Taman Melawati

Jejantas depan Giant Taman Permata


Mahathis's son ask Pak Lah to quit

The son now is doing what his father did to Tunku 4 decades ago...
Same scenario.. different actor..

Translation below:

12th March 2008

Dato' Seri,

Let me take this opportunity to thank you and the party's leadership for the faith in me and the chance to contest in Jerlun as a Barisan Nasional candidate. With the blessing and hard work of the party's leadership and machinery as well as the people of Jerlun, I have won the elections and am now a new Member of Parliament.

However, sadly enough, my victory is rendered meaningless in view of the defeat that Umno and the Kedah BN suffered in the hands of the opposition. Apart form Kedah, four other states as well as the Federal Territories also received similar humiliation in defeat.

In fact your own state of Penang was wrested by the DAP from the BN. Kelantan is again under Pas rules. In other states, the BN also suffered a similar humiliation when the level of BN support by the people has tremendously reduced. This, Datuk Seri, has never happened in the history of BN rule.

The sole intention of my letter to you is meant to save UMNO and BN from being rejected further by the people and from being no longer relevant to our religion, race and nation.

Dato' Seri, the people are unhappy and the message from them is very clear, and that is they have rejected you as the nation's chief executive.

Contrary to your claim that you still have the support of Umno and other component parties, the reality is that even our own party members had reneged in their voting pattern by supporting the Opposition and inflicting the BN its defeat.

Dato' Seri, when the people held street demonstrations you openly dared them to resort to the ballot boxes to demonstrate.

They took your challenge by coming out, especially tho people in the Peninsular, and they demonstrated their feelings by voting us out at the BN at State and Parliament levels.

It is therefore clear that your leadership and your handling of the issues faced by the people and the nation are no longer accepted. Let's not deny the truth just for the sake of keeping your seat as Prime Minister.

For the love of this country and the people, I beg that you take responsibility for the defeat. We can save UMNO, the BN and the nation only if you relinquish your positions as Prime Minister and the President of UMNO.

Dato' Seri, I hope you will understand that I make this plea with the intention of salvaging a very dire situation. A move has been made to woo the BN representatives to join the Opposition. The enemy needs just 35 seats more to topple the government of your leadership.

If you do not resign in the near future, I fear that the situation will become untenable and that the Malay support for Umno and BN will be a thing of the past.

This plea I make without malice, and I am aware that your reaction and that of other UMNO members could very well be hostile.

But come what may, I am prepared, for the sake of the Malays and UMNO, to face the consequences of my action. With all humility, I leave my fate to Allah SWT.

Dato' Seri, I am sure that you will do the right thing for the sake of the people and the nation. May Allah SWT bless you for the sacrifice you make by stepping down.


Yours Sincerely

Mukhriz Mahathir
Jerlun Member Parliament


霹雳州务大臣:回教党出任 Perak Mentri Besar : Nizar

合组新州政府的三党代表在觐见霹雳苏丹阿兹兰莎后,宣布霹雳州务大臣人选将由回教党霹雳州秘书兼巴西班让(Pasir Panjang)候任州议员莫哈末尼查(Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin)出任。

Pasir Panjang assemblyman from PAS, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, has been appointed as Perak Mentri Besar.

Mohammad Nizar is the state PAS secretary.

Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham, who is the assemblyman for Setiawan, will be one of two Deputy Mentris Besar for the state.

The second Deputy Mentri Besar has yet to be named.









source : Sin Chew
