
Undi DAP = Undi UMNO

DAP baru-baru ini melancarkan propaganda baru dimana DAP mengesa rakyat P.Pinang agar mengundi DAP sebagai tanda protes terhadap UMNO. DAP juga mengubah taktik dengan meraih simpati pengundi P.Pinang agar mengundi DAP utk menafikan majoriti 2/3 Barisan Nasional dan bukannya mengubah kerajaan negeri. Malah , DAP menyuarakan sokongan padu utk mengekalkan Ketua Menteri dari kalangan kaum Cina.

Persoalannya;apakah dengan mengundi DAP, maka rakyat P.Pinang dapat menyampaikan mesej ketidakpuasan hati mereka terhadap UMNO ? Apakah UMNO akan terjejas dgn mengundi DAP ?

Tentunya TIDAK , malah jika DAP mengalahkan calon MCA dan Gerakan ; yg menjadi pemenangnya ialah UMNO . UMNO bukan shj mungkin membolot hampir semua jawatan EXCO kerajaan negeri , jawatan Ketua Menteri yg diimpi-impikan oleh golongan ektremis UMNO yg rakus selama ini mungkin akan menjadi kenyataan.

Untuk maklumat anda, 7 dpd 14 EXCO kerajaan negeri P.Pinang sekarang ini merupakan ADUN UMNO. Ini adalah keadaan ketika DAP hanya mempunyai seorang wakil di Dewan Undangan Negeri, bayangkan apakah yg akan terjadi jika MCA dan Gerakan kalah teruk pd pilihanraya akan datang ?

Adalah nyata dan jelas bahawa tampuk pemerintahan di P.Pinang sebenarnya berada ditangan UMNO walaupun KM adalah dari Gerakan. Kegagalan kerajaan BN negeri P.Pinang membangunkan negeri itu seharusnya ditanggung oleh UMNO. Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon hanyalah boneka kpd UMNO.

Kepada pengundi-pengundi di P.Pinang, jika anda inginkan perubahan di P.Pinang , pastikan anda membuat pilihan yg tepat.


So I suggest MCA leaves BN since MCA=UMNO=MIC. That will make my choice easier


Thanks Jeffrey for the suggestion.
However, with the current situation, dont think that it is a wise move. UMNO will still able to form a government by itself. At that time, PAS/PKR may join them to form a real strong malay front. Who is the loser then ?

Personal suggestion: Vote opposition when you see UMNO vs PAS , UMNO vs PKR. BUT , if you current UMNO wakil rakyat is liberal and very helpful , dont do that. Keep them as they are our national asset.


sorry, the real equation is:


unfortunatedly. While it's important to have chinese-bsed representative within the government coalition, MCA has repeatedly shown us that it is a party without a backbone. Its backbone was lost probably sometime after ling liong sik took over.

A vote for DAP is a vote of protest against umno+mca+mic.

this site is a joke


thanks rational thinker for the comment.
I am glad that you agreed that it is important to have a chinese based representative within the government coalition. At least we are on same page.

What i can say it , MCA is not "moving" as fast as UMNO in last decade and we end up with UMNO which is the backbone of Malaysia backbone become slightly arrogant in making government policy. The way Tun Dr.Mahathir reign the country is the main contribution. 以党治国 is the main problem.

MCA might not doing it job well in last decade , but we are not afford to lose hope on MCA. Let's reform MCA and make it better for our future !!


not just reform, but wholesome revamp. politics in mca is just as bad as it is in umno, to be honest. the team A and team B mentality has stunned its progress since forever. Its racial-based entrenchment and over-reliance on umno supporters to deliver the votes means MCA has lost all its core "constituents". MCA leaders no longer has the guts to stand up to the bullies of umno. unfortunately. and blatant corruptioons of fellow politicians for ANY BN PARTIES have not been acted upon.

In short, MCA is useless, apart for some selected ones (who benefitted from the system). MCA has not achieved anything substantial, but slowly eroding the political power of chinese malaysians. by allowing gradual but crucial delineation exercise, mca has effectively condemned itself.

reform mca you say? i say vote for gerakan or dap or anyone who is not racial.


This site is really a joke. I suggest you to close it down asap. All these while MCA has been selling chinese rights just to get money, post and reputation. If it's not because of MCA, UMNO can never get this strong. If MCA still thinks of the chinese future, MCA should step out from BN immediately.

Read these few articles before replying to this message.

